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A Brief Biography

I have what I consider to be the best education possible, Life. Many different experiences have made me into the person that I am today. I have survived domestic abuse, lost my oldest son to parental alienation after fighting in court for almost 10 years.


I am currently writing this story, Mirror Souls, my survival story of that relationship with a sociopath.















After trying to construct a new life with a baby on the way, my life turned again upside down. My husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor, and died 2 weeks before my youngest son turned 4 years old.












Depressed and alone, I met a narcissist control freak and was caught in the cycle once again, causing me to lose my son to the social services.

I always had to work, and he always had an excuse not to. I was a chef in a busy roadside restaurant. I left after 8 years with him, after he had my dog shot in the head 3 times with a shotgun, and moved into a shelter.













Three weeks later after quitting my job, house, basically my life on the hope of regaining custody of my son. I had made a deal with my ex in exchange for help on renovations of his new house; I was to get a good amount of money.

Unfortunately, I never got to finish or get paid. I had an accident; I slipped off an elevated garden and landed badly, with the result of two broken ankles that needed surgery. I ended up in a wheelchair for about a year.













I can never work in a restaurant anymore. You see I was a chef for about 5 years.


That was all about three years ago.












I have had a silver lining in my life since then. I have met someone who is my greatest supporter. He is wonderful person, not perfect, but hey, neither am I.


He has helped me find myself in the last 3 years. He has also helped me get my son back. In return I have helped him as well come back from a relationship with a sociopath.


That is another story altogether.



While I am working on this wonderful project, he makes sure that my coffee is full. 


























Since then I have gotten my son back permanently living with me, and the social services closed the file. I fought long and hard all the way.
















Last year, after finally admitting that a therapy would do me some good, considering all the blows that life threw my way, I had another shock. My therapist says I might have adult ADHD. Now I am officially diagnosed and following treatment.


I am stronger and more independent today, with a quirky and sometimes dark sense of humor.


Wow! After all that I still can laugh and smile through life and writing keeps me sane.

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